- You will download a PDF version of our text/workbook that is included at no cost with your program.
- To help keep you on-track, we have set-up the program into parts for pacing.
- Each part has a reading assignment from the PDF Text.
- Each part section has Reflection Questions to help you understand yourself and Anger in general.
- Each part has Practice Questions that are based on the tests at end of each part, so you can study.
- The first Three Parts each have a 10 Question Test at the end which has to be passed with a 70% score to move on to the next.
- The Final Test is a short written answer that you will complete, it will automatically be forwarded to our office to be reviewed and with 36 hours you will receive your
Certificate of Completion. - You will have three attempts to pass each test.
- You will immediately get to move on to the next part if you score 70% or more on the test.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are not able to pass tests after three tries, contact us for advice and assistance to get it wrapped up.
If you need further information, or have questions about your court’s request, please email us.[bmp id=2]